Sunday, 29 May 2016

Reflections #1 - Tears on A Window Sill

A silence that pierces the day
And memories that wash away
The sun hides behind a cloud
And inside my screams grow loud

In a sea of people, many a friend
Why doesn’t loneliness end?
I stir the spoon inside my tea
Why can’t I stir something within me?

I get up and make to go
Who do I really know?
It’s better to walk alone
Where you can trust only your own

As I move outside to make for bed
A drop falls on my head
The heavens fall open
Seems like they too have broken

I notice its tears fall on the window sill
Inside, people having fun and their fill
Ignored, taken for granted as it always will be
But I noticed – you’re just like me.

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